Sun 05, 2024
We take medicine to treat headache, stomach ache or infection, but have you ever thought - how does the body know that this problem needs to be treated? Leaving all the parts of the body, the medicine works only where it is needed, how is that possible?Many people hardly know how such drugs work in their body.
Our body's system finds out what the body needs by itself. Also, it is used in the required place.
How does it work in the body?
When medicine is taken, it first reaches the stomach and is broken down into small pieces. Then it reaches the liver. It sends the substance needed by the medicine body into our blood. Necessary elements reach all organs and muscles of the body through the blood. Family Health and Emergency Physician Dr. Medicine also reaches our body through blood. Ramesh Pant says.
Any medicine spreads throughout our body through the blood. But each drug is made for a specific protein molecule, that is, a receptor,' he says.
Medicine is like a key, it spreads throughout the body and stays where it can fit. It will complete the work of the medicine for which it is taken. Pant says.
After the drug reaches the target, it develops as a cell. So it starts working well," he said.